All posts by arianyika

Shape up Flabby Writing with Stranger Words

Choosing the right words can make the difference between tedious writing and writing that sings a clear sweet song. Adjectives and Adverbs are fine in moderation but strong verbs will propel your writing forward and engage your readers in a sensory adventure.

Flowery or distracting language can be just as risky , taking the reader right out of the story when you feel an overwhelming need to spice up your writing with more adjectives or adverbs, take closer look at your verbs.

SHOW , Don’t Tell !!!!!!

Every writer knows this formula but sometimes it’s hard to figure out exactly what that means.

Ex : 1. The Mountain was big . ( ” How Big ? ‘ , ” bigger than house ? ‘ )

       2. Rainer mountain is stony, snow capped peak more than 14.000 feet where it reigns as the tallest mountain in the lower 48


I’m telling you something about a mountain but not showing you anything at all. Here’s how a couple of  strong verbs can show how big is that mountain.

  1. The movie was great – Really ? ( You wouldn’t know it from that sentence )
  2. The new indie film struck chord with the audience who gasped in horror over the grisly murder but laughed aproariously when the murderer slipped on a bloody banana peel.

There’s an adverb in that sentence  Uproariously . True but I believe this is one of those instances when replacing the verb ” to laugh ” with a synonym would only distract the reader rather than enhance the sentence.

” The new indie film struck a chord with the audience , who gasped in horror over the grisly murder but ………..

  • ……………guffawed when the murderer slipped on a bloody banana peel.
  • ……………snickered when the murderer slipped on a bloody banana peel.
  • …………….tittered when the murderer slipped on a bloody banana peel.

The replacement of verb distracting so I stuck with my original verb ” to laugh ” . The  problem was that just”  laughing ” didn’t seem to provide enough of a contrast to gasping in horror so I added ” uproariously ” to heighten the difference.

Adverbs and Adjectives are not bad , words are a writer palette and the come in all colour but writers should choose it carefully , not rely on the default setting.

Context Matter

Finding the right words often dependent on context , a flabby verb will work almost anywhere but a strong verb fits best within a particular context.

  1. The racehorse went around the track three times
  2. The airplane went slowly across the tarmac

When the word ” went ” works just as well or poorly in each of these sentences , stronger , more precise verbs will bring them to life and paint completely.

Five ways to strengthen your writing !

It’s true that anyone can write, all of you need is a computer with a keyboard or a pen and paper to accomplish that but it’s untrue to think that anyone even someone who uses the best writing enhancement software can write well  without practice and careful study , learning to write well is a skill that  few individual will ever master in their lifetimes .Even professional writers spend a lifetime picking up on all the nuances of writing. Here are some effective ways that you can improve your writing :

  1. Reading , most people are quite busy these days which makes finding time for reading seem quite impossible but without reading regularly , you’ll never understand truly what effective and correct writing looks like while you don’t need to read countless novels and massive encyclopedias , it helps to make a habit of reading short stories, news articles and other forms of written copy. This will help ultimately with the different writing styles that exist.
  2. Practice regularly , you’ll never improve your skills truly without makin an effort , much like with sports, you need to keep active with your writing and establish healthy habits from the start. It’s better to practice for 15 minutes a day better than for two hours, three times a week even if you can only dedicate a few minutes each day, it will become more of a habit and easier to dedicate time gradually.
  3. Learn Grammar & Style , you’ll never find a piece of writing that’s so mind-bogglingly good that readers are willing to overlook bad grammar. It’s enough of a reading impediment that bad grammar can disrupt the readers ability to follow an author’s strain of thought. People trying to buildup their writing skill tend to get quite lazy when learning grammar because its a lot of work and more academic than creative but once you learn the rules, it’ll be easier to retain that information and apply it in the future.
  4. Love Peer Reviews, most individuals struggle in this regard because writing is a very personal thing. You’re put your soul into writing out a document and it reflects  your intellegence and passion directly when someone edits or revises your writing or document and start pointing out flaws , it can feel like you’re being attacked personally. Don’t  let this be the case, take the comments, edits of others and integrate them into your own writing style. There’s something more you can learn about writing, as well as different ways you can time-tune your writing style.
  5. Read it aloud, a good practice when writing is to read simply your document out aloud. This helps greatly if you’re planning on using it for an oral presentation but it can be helpful in other areas as well.It’s better  hearing your words rather than just looking at them can change your opinion of your writing and expose potential flaws such as pretentious terms,boring dialogue and run – on sentences.

Improve Your Writing Skills.

Writing is a skill which need practice , a great writer or even a good writer takes practice and knowledge regularly but with enough hard work perhaps somebody will aspire to be better writer.

There are methods that can help you if want to be better writer :

  1. Be active instead of passive , one of the most common manifestations of bad action into the subject of the sentence with verb forms like ” X ” had been attacked by  ” Y ” , instead of simply “Y ” attacked ” X ” . Learn to avoid these constructions as much as possible, using the passive voice isn’t always bad sometimes there’s no clear way to make a statement active or sometimes you want the lighter touch a passive construction allows but learn to follow this rule before you start making exceptions.
  2. Use strong words , good writing is precise , evocative and spiced with the unexpected . Finding the right verb or adjective can turn an inspired sentence into one. People will remember and quote for years to come . Look for words that are as specific as possible . Try not to repeat the same word over and over unless you’re trying to build a rhythm with it. Strong doesn’t mean obscure or more complicated .
  3. Cut the chaff , good writing is simple , clear and direct , you don’t get points for saying in 50 words what could be said in 20 . good writing is about using the right words not filling up the page . It might feel good at first to pack a lot of ideas and details into a single sentence but chances are sentences just going to be hard to read if a phrase doesn’t add anything valuable , cut it.
  4. Show don’t tell, instead of just sitting your readers down for a long exposition explaining a characters background or a plot significance points, try to let the readers discover the same ideas through the words , feeling and actions of your characters.
  5. Avoid cliches, they may have been powerful at one point but they have been overused to the point of having little value unless reimagined in some creative way. Its hard to say exactlywhat makes cliche than that as with pornography, you’ll know it when you see it.
  6. Break the rules, the best writer don’t just follow the rules , they know when and how to break them. Everything from traditional grammar to the writing advice above is up for grabs if you know a trangression will improve your piece.
  7. Edit – Revise , “Don’t believe your teachers trully ” there’s no such thing as a “perfect ” masterpiece in writing. Every author could have found something to change even their greatest works if they had given it another once over. Editing is the most essential parts of writing,once you finish a piece of writing , let it for a day then read it over with fresh eyes , catching typos or scrapping whole paragraphs, anything to make your piece better thhan when you’ve done, give it another read.

Pendekatan Matrik SWOT

Analisis SWOT merupakan analisis kondisi internal – eksternal suatu organisasi yang selanjutnya akan digunakan sebagai dasar untuk merancang strategi dan program kerja organisasi. Analisis internal meliputi penilaian terhadap : Kekuatan ( Strength ) , Kelemahan ( Weaknesses ) , Peluang ( Opportunity ) , Tantangan ( Threats ) .

Pendekatan dalam Analisis SWOT :

  • Pendekatan Kualitatif ,Pendekatan ini menampilkan 8 sel yang meliputi , 2 kotak sel Eksternal ( Peluang dan Tantangan ) , 2 sel faktor Internal ( Kekuatan dan Kelemahan ) , dan 4 sel lainnya yangmerupakan kotak yang berisi isu -isu strategis yang timbul sebagai hasil dari titik pertemuan antara faktor internal dan eksternal.
  • Sel A : Comparative Advantages , pertemuan dua elemen kekuatan dan peluang sehingga memberikan kemungkinan bagi organisasi untuk bisa berkembang lebih cepat
  • Sel B : Mobilization , interaksi antara ancaman dan kekuatan , disini harus dilakukan upaya mobilisasi sumber daya yang merupakan kekuatan organisasi untuk memperlunak ancaman dari luar dan merubahnya menjadi peluang.
  • Sel C : Divestment / Investment , interaksi antara kelemahan organisasi dan peluang dari luar. Situasi ini memberikan pilihan yang kabur , peluang yang tersedia sangat menyakinkan namun tidak dapat dimanfaatkan karena tidak memadainya kekuatan. Pilihan keputusannya adalah melepas peluang untuk dimanfaatkan organisasi lain atau memaksakan menggarap peluang tersebut ( Investasi ) .
  • Sel D : Damage Control, merupakan kondisi yang paling lemah dari semua sel karena merupakan pertemuan antara kelemahan organisasi dan ancaman dari luar karena keputusan yang salah akan berdampak negatif bagi organisasi.
  • Pendekatan Kuantitatif : Data analisis SWOT  dapat dikembangkan melalui perhitungan analisis SWOT yang dikembangkan oleh Pearce & Robinson ( 1998 ) agar diketahui pasti posisi organisasi yang sesungguhnya.
  • Tahapan perhitungan Kuantitatif : ( 1 ) perhitungan skor ( a ) dan bobot ( b ) point faktor serta jumlahtotal perkalian skor dalam bobot ( c = a x b ) , pada setiap faktor S-W-O-T , menghitung skor ( a ) pada masing – masing point faktor dilakukan secara saling bebas , penilaian terhadap point faktor lainnya. Pilihan rentang besaran skor sangat menentukan akurasi penilaian , ( 2 ) melakukan pengurangan antara jumlah total faktor S dan W  ( d ) dan faktor O dan T ( e ) ,perolehan angka ( d = X ) selanjutnya menjadi nilai pada sumbu X dan nilai ( e=y ) pada sumbu Y ; ( 3 ) mencari posisi organisasi yang ditujukan oleh titik ( x,y ) pada matrik / kuadran SWOT
  • Kuadran I , kuadran positif – positif , posisi ini menandakan kondisi organisasi yang kuat dan berpeluang , rekomendasi strategi yang digunakan adalah progresif.
  • Kuadran II , kuadran positif – negatif , posisi ini menandakan situasi organisasi yang kuat namun menghadapi berbagai tantangan , rekomendasi strategi yang digunakan adalah diversifikasi strategi .
  • Kuadran III, negatif – positif,posisi ini menandakan sebuah organisasi yang lemah namun sangat berpeluang , rekomendasi strategi yang digunakan adalah ubah strategi .
  • kuadran IV , negatif – negatif , posisi ini menandakan sebuah organisasi yang lemah dan menghadapi tantangan , rekomendasi strategi yang digunakan adalah strategi bertahan.

Manajemen Strategi Pendidikan

Perlunya relevansi programyang sesuai dengan kebutuhan dunia kerja

A. Latar Belakang
Dunia pendidikan secara sadar atau tidak kini tengah bergerak menjadi satu pasar dunia, suatu pasar yang efisien dan transparan, yang mencakup daerah-daerah yang tak terbatas. Globalisasi mau tidak mau akan menjadi trend dari setiap organisasi baik organisasi usaha, sosial maupun organisasi pendidikan. Negara yang tidak mau dalam pengefisienan dan pentransparanan tersebut akan ketinggalan karena dinamisnya perubahan.

View original post 2,082 more words

Communicative Language Teaching

The goal of language teaching is to develop communicative competence, CLT as one of teaching method which start from communicative model and language used. We can divide into two parts : advantages and deisadvantages , from advantage side , we can say that CLT emphasis on ” task oriented ” , ” students centered ” asked to show the life of actual needs of English, to stimulate a variety of life context and provide students with comprehensive use of English. Interaction rather than traditional classroom which emphasized on teacher center, CLT emphasized to learners cognitive ability which allows students to think and express their views and trained to use language communicatively , disadvantage side are difficult method to use in very large classes, not applicable ! low levels of students proficiency may find difficult to participate in oral communicative activities, increases teachers workload, focus on fluency not accuracy and inadequate use of authentic materials can damage communication.

Pendidikan Multikultural

Pendidikan merupakan sesuatu yang sangat vital bagi pembentukan karakter sebuah peradaban dan kemajuan yang mengiringinya, tanpa pendidikan , suatu bangsa atau masyarakat tidak akan pernah mengalami kemajuan sehingga menjadi bangsa atau masyarakat yang kurang atau bahkan tidak beradab,oleh karena itu suatu peradaban yang memberdayakan akan lahir dari suatu pola pendidikan dalam skala luas yang tepat guna dan efektif bagi konteks  dan mampu menjawab segala tantangan zaman . Setelah melihat fakta di negara kita ini, ternyata pendidikan yang tepat guna itu tidak berjalan dan bahkan mungkin ada yang salah dalam penerapannya.Sehingga perlu adanya kehidupan yang harmoni, inklusif dan toleran melalui pendidikan pluralis -multikultural terkait dengan dasar – dasar pendidikan multikultural untuk membentuk masyarakat yang humanis.